Management Introduction Questions and Answers 291 to 300

Management Introduction 

Questions 291 to 300

When managers have substantial but not complete confidence and trust in subordinates and solicit advice from subordinates while retaining the right to make final decision, Likert’s four systems of management describes it as
(a) Participative leadership style
(b) Benevolent-authoritative leadership style
(c) Consultative leadership style
(d) Exploitative-authoritative leadership style
(e) Trait theory of leadership style.
Communication is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver, with the information being understood by the receiver. In this process what is the term associated with the selection of appropriate symbols, such as words, numbers or digits by the sender?
(a) Modeling   (b) Encoding        (c) Channel        (d) Decoding (e) Feedback.
For becoming a successful interpersonal communicator, a manager must be able to grasp all of the following except
(a)   How interpersonal communication works
(b)   The importance of verbal versus non-verbal interpersonal communication
(c)   How to get the most out of the grapevine
(d)   The relationship between feedback and interpersonal communication
(e)   How certain factors act as barriers to effective interpersonal communication.
The basic method of _______ control is an improvement over _______ control, because it tries to shorten or to eliminate the delay between performance and feedback about the performance
(a) Feedback, Feedforward                    (b) Concurrent, Feedback (c) Feedback, Concurrent
(d) Feedforward, Feedback                    (e) Steering, Concurrent.
The Gantt Chart (invented by Henry L. Gantt), still used today in the production planning area of many organizations, is a method for comparing the actual and planned performances. It was the first simple visual device to maintain production control. It is essentially a bar graph with __________ axis and __________ axis.
(a)   Time on the horizontal; the activities to be scheduled on the vertical
(b)   Time on the vertical; project completion on the horizontal
(c)   Time on the horizontal; project completion on the vertical
(d)   Time on the vertical; the activities to be scheduled on the horizontal
(e)   Time on either; the activities to be scheduled on the other.
Which of the following controls emphasizes on control through speculation of deviations rather than exercising control after the deviations have occurred?
(a) Direct control                  (b) Indirect control               (c) Preventive control
(d) Concurrent control          (e) Feedback control.
The principle of preventive control brings about a sharp distinction between analyzing performance reports and determining whether managers adopt the established principles in actual practice. Thus, the principle of preventive control can be stated as
I.     The higher the quality of managers and their subordinates, the less will be the need for direct controls.
II.     The higher the quality of managers and their subordinates, the less will be the need for preventive controls.
III.    The higher the quality of managers and their subordinates, the less will be the need for concurrent controls.
(a) Only (I) above
(b) Only (II) above
(c) Only (III) above
(d) Both (I) and (II) above
(e) Both (II) and (III) above.
A career strategy should be designed to overcome weaknesses and utilize strengths so as to take advantage of career opportunities. There are various steps in formulating a career strategy. Which of the following steps will precede the others in formulating a career strategy?
(a) Development of Strategic Career Alternatives
(b) Analysis of Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
(c) Consistency Testing and Strategic Choices
(d) Implementation of the Career Plan
(e) Monitoring Progress.
Which of the following inventory techniques uses cards to monitor inventory movement?
(a) ABC Analysis                                               (b) JIT Approach                                                           (c) Kanban
(d) Kaizen                                                         (e) Economic Order Quantity.
A Decision Support System (DSS) is an interactive computer system used to plan and make decisions. Which of the following is not true with regard to DSS?
(a) Executive decisions are the focal points in DSS
(b) DSS specializes in easy-to-use software
(c) DSS employs interactive processing
(d) The control and use of DSS rests with the central information management department
(e) DSS is adaptable to change.


Answer : (c)
Reason : When managers have substantial but not complete confidence and trust in subordinates and solicit advice from subordinates while retaining the right to make final decision, Likert’s four systems of management describes it as consultative leadership style. (a) In Participative leadership style, the manager has complete trust and confidence in the subordinates in all the matters. (b) In Benevolent-authoritative leadership style, the managers have a patronizing confidence and trust in subordinates, solicit some ideas and opinions from subordinates, motivate with rewards and some fear and punishment, permit some upward communication and allow some delegation of decision-making but with close policy control. (d) In Exploitative-authoritative leadership style, the managers represent dictatorial leadership behavior with all decisions made by the manager. (e) Trait theory of leadership style assumes that leaders share certain inborn personality traits.
Answer : (b)
Reason : Encoding is a process by which a sender translates his thoughts into a series of symbols that he feels, will communicate the message to the intended receiver. (c) A channel is anything that links the sender with the receiver. (d) Decoding is the interpretation and translation of a message into meaningful information. (e) A feedback is a message that is generated by the receiver in response to the sender’s original message. (a) Modeling is not relevant in this context.
Answer : (c)
Reason : The grapevine is an informal communication system and is popularly known as "rumour mill". It is not of relevance to interpersonal communication.
       Hence, from above discussion, we can infer that option (c) is correct.
Answer : (b)
Reason : Concurrent control takes place while operations are going on and is intended to minimize problems as they occur. Concurrent control is a control type based on timing that involves the regulation, monitoring and adjusting of ongoing activities that are part of the transformation process to ensure that they conform to organizational standards. Feedback control takes place after operations are finished and is intended to correct problems that have already occurred. A feedforward control is a control type based on timing that focuses on the regulation of inputs to ensure that they meet the standards necessary for the transformation process. Steering control is a technique used to detect deviations and allow corrective actions to be taken while the activity is being performed.
Answer : (a)
Reason : A Gantt chart is essentially a bar graph with time on the horizontal axis and the activities to be scheduled on the vertical axis.
       Hence from above discussion, we can infer that option (a) is correct.
Answer : (c)
Reason : Preventive Control emphasizes on control through speculation of deviations rather than exercising control after the deviations have occurred.
Answer : (a)
Reason : The principle of preventive control can be stated as “The higher the quality of managers and their subordinates, the less will be the need for direct controls”.
Answer : (b)
Reason : The steps in formulating a career strategy are as follows:
(i) Preparation of a personal profile.
(ii) Development of long-range personal and professional goals.
(iii) Analysis of the environment.
(iv) Analysis of Personal Strengths and Weaknesses.
(v) Development of Strategic Career Alternatives.
(vi) Consistency Testing and Strategic Choices.
(vii) Development of short-range career objectives and action plans.
(viii) Development of contingency plans.
(ix) Implementation of the Career Plan.
(x) Monitoring Progress.
Hence, from above discussion, we can infer that option (b) is correct.
Answer : (c)
Reason : Kanban is a subsystem of the JIT approach involving a simple parts movement system that depends on cards and containers to pull parts from one work center to another. (a) ABC analysis is a technique of inventory management, in which the inventory is distributed based on price and usage of the inventory. (b) A JIT is an approach to inventory control that emphasizes having materials arrive just as they are needed in the production process. (d) Kaizen is a Japanese term implying continuous improvement. (e) EOQ is an inventory control method developed to minimize ordering and holding costs, while avoiding stock out costs.
Answer : (d)
Reason : The following are the characteristics of DSS:
              (a)   Executive decisions are the focal points in DSS.
              (b)   DSS specializes in easy-to-use software.
              (c)   DSS employs interactive processing.
              (d)   The control and use of DSS rests with the users and not the central information        management department.
       (e)    DSS is adaptable to change.

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