Management Introduction Questions and Answers 281 to 290

Management Introduction 

Questions281 to 290

In the area of diversity, establishing task forces or committees to explore issues and provide ideas, carefully choosing work assignments to support the career development of all employees, and evaluating the extent to which diversity goals are being achieved would most likely be classified under which of the following managerial roles?
(a) Planning             (b) Staffing             (c) Leading              (d) Organizing (e) Controlling.
In recent years, research has proved that culture has a tremendous impact on management practices. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Organizational Culture?
(a)   It may vary in strength
(b)   It is indistinct in nature
(c)   It is based on certain norms
(d)   It promotes dominant and stable values
(e)   It shapes philosophy and rules.
Organizations that have divisional structure but do not treat the divisions as autonomous businesses, so that they can have control over both the revenues and expenses, may opt to set up
(a) Standard Cost Centers                      (b) Revenue Centers (c) Profit Centers
(d) Investment Centers                                       (e) Distribution Centers.                  
The authority given by an organization to a member holding a position is referred to as
(a) Legitimate power                  (b) Coercive power                    (c) Expert power
(d) Referent power                                 (e) Reward power.
A purchasing department may be created because the hospital administrator cannot effectively handle all purchasing. The purchasing department would evaluate the vendors and suggest the appropriate ones for purchasing the materials. What type of position authority has been created?
(a) Accountability                                  (b) Line authority                                   (c) Staff authority
(d) Responsibility                                  (e) Expert power.
Different behavioural scientists have developed different theories on motivation. One such behavioural scientist by the name of Herzberg gave the two-factor theory of motivation. Which of the following four responses are considered as Herzberg’s hygiene factors?
(a)   Personal life, security, salary and recognition
(b)   Advancement, salary, status, company policy
(c)   Relationship with peers, status, supervision and security
(d)   Working conditions, relationship with subordinates, supervision and work itself
(e)   Responsibility, salary, status, company policy.
Lyman W. Porter and Edward E. Lawler III developed the expanded expectancy theory model. Which of the following is not true with regard to the Porter and Lawler model of motivation?
(a)   It is built on Vroom’s expectancy theory
(b)   It means motivation is not a simple cause-and-effect matter
(c)   It assumes that satisfaction leads to performance
(d)   It emphasizes reward structure
(e)   It assumes that performance leads to intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards.
The four phases of Creative process are
I.     Logical formulation.
II.     Intuition.
III.    Unconscious scanning.
IV.   Insight.
The order in which the process takes place is
(a) (I), (II), (III) and (IV)                                                           (b) (II), (III), (IV) and (I)
(c) (III), (II), (IV) and (I)                                                           (d) (IV), (I), (III) and (II)
(e) (III), (I), (IV) and (II).
One of the most popular explanations of human motivations was developed by the psychologist, Abraham Maslow, and popularized during the early 1960s. According to Maslow, an employee who has a need for more self-respect, has unmet
(a) Esteem needs                                   (b) Physiological needs (c) Safety needs
(d) Social needs                                    (e) Self-actualization needs.
According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Leadership model, which of the following would be most accurate regarding someone exhibiting behavior toward right of the continuum of leader behaviours?
(a)   He would be a boss-centered leader
(b)   He would be more likely to ask the group to make a decision
(c)   He would be more autocratic
(d)   He would be more likely to "sell" the decision
(e)   He would present ideas and invite questions.


Answer : (d)
Reason : L.A. Allen defined organizing as "the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority, and establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively together in accomplishing objectives".
In the area of diversity, organizing involves establishing task forces or committees to explore issues and provide ideas, carefully choosing work assignments to support the career development of all employees, and evaluating the extent to which diversity goals are being achieved.
       Hence, from above discussion, we can infer that option (d) is correct.
Answer : (b)
Reason : Organizational Culture is the collection of shared beliefs, values, rituals, stories, myths and specialized language that foster a feeling of community among organization members.
It is distinctive in nature, as each organization has its own management philosophy, mission and objectives etc.
Hence from above discussion, we can infer that option (b) is not a characteristic of Organizational Culture.
       Options (a), (c), (d) and (e) are all characteristics of Organizational Culture.
Answer : (c)
Reason : Organizations that have divisional structure but do not treat the divisions as autonomous businesses, so that they can have control over both the revenues and expenses, may opt to set up Profit Centers. When Organizations treat the divisions as autonomous businesses they may opt to set up Investment Centers.
Answer : (a)
Reason : The authority given by an organization to a member holding a position is referred to as               Legitimate power.
Answer : (c)
Reason : Staff authority is created when a purchasing department is created because the hospital administrator cannot effectively handle all purchasing.
Answer : (c)
Reason : According to Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory, relationship with peers, status, supervision and security are the four responses, that are all hygiene factors.
       Hence, from above discussion, we can infer that option (c) is correct.
Answer : (c)
Reason : The Porter-Lawler model of motivation, which is an improvement of the expectancy theory, assumes that motivation does not equal satisfaction. It assumes satisfaction does not lead to performance. Rather, the converse is true: performance can, but does not always, lead to satisfaction through the reward process. It assumes that motivation is not a simple cause-and-effect matter. The model advocates that managers carefully assess their reward structures and also assumes that performance leads to intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards.
Answer : (c)
Reason : Creative process is rarely simple and linear and usually comprises four overlapping and interacting phases. Phase (I): Unconscious scanning, Phase (II): Intuition, Phase III: Insight and Phase (IV): Logical formulation.
Answer : (a)
Reason : According to Maslow, an employee who has a need for more self-respect, has unmet Esteem needs.
       Hence from above discussion, we can infer that option (a) is correct.
Answer : (b)
Reason : According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Leadership model, the statement that would be most accurate regarding someone exhibiting behavior toward right of the continuum of leader behaviours is option (b), i.e., He would be more likely to ask the group to make a decision.

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