Management Introduction Questions and Answers 101 to 110

Management Introduction 

Questions 100 to 110

Xeta Electronics Ltd. is faced with the problem of allocating resources to its newly set up computer peripherals division, because of some practical constraints like limited availability of resources, time, man-hours etc. Which of the following decision-making techniques can help it solve the problem?
(a)  Linear Programming                         (b)  Decision tree     (c)  Simulation
(d)   Waiting-line method                         (e)  Game theory.
The concept of span of management concerns
(a)   Seeing that managers at the same level have equal numbers of subordinates
(b)   Employee skill and motivation levels
(c)   Supervision of one less than the known number of subordinates
(d)   A determination of the number of individuals a manager can effectively supervise
(e)   The nature of organization structure.
Several fundamental aspects pertaining to the organization need to be considered to describe the process of organizing. Which of the following steps are involved in the process of organizing?
I.     The objectives of the organization should be established.
II.    The supportive objectives and plans should be formulated.
III.   Emphasis on extreme occupational specialization.
IV.   Authority should be delegated to the head of each group to perform their activities.

(a)  Both (I) and (II) above                       (b)  Both (II) and (III) above
(c)  Both (II) and (IV) above                     (d)  (I), (II) and (III) above
(e)  (I), (II) and (IV) above.
There are three major forms of divisional structures: product division, geographic division and customer division. Which of the following statements is not true about Customer Division or Departmentation?
(a)   It is set up to service particular types of clients or customers
(b)   It can address the special and widely varied needs of customers for clearly defined services
(c)   It is accompanied by the benefits of specialization
(d)   Coordination between sales and other functions becomes easier
(e)   Facilities and manpower, specialized for certain customer groups may be under-employed.
A matrix structure is a type of departmentalization that superimposes a horizontal set of divisional reporting relationships into a hierarchical functional structure. The major disadvantage of the matrix structure is
(a)  Duplication of resources                  (b)  Lack of employee satisfaction
(c)  Lack of economies of scale             (d)  Its propensity to foster power, struggles
(e)  Monotony of work.
Which of the following management information systems is an interactive computer system that provides managers with the necessary information for making intelligent decisions? 
(a)  Transaction processing system         (b)  Decision support system
(c)  Office automation system                (d)  Executive support system
(e)  Line support system.
Which of the following statements is not true of internationalization of organizations?
(a)   To reach organizational objectives, management may extend its activities to include an emphasis on organizations in foreign countries
(b)   In general, the larger the organization, the greater the likelihood that it participates in international activities of some sort
(c)   A manager’s failure to understand different national sovereignties, national conditions, and national values and institutions can lead to poor investment decisions
(d)   Personal adjustments that employees of multinational corporations must make can influence how productively they work
(e)   Generally speaking, a multinational organization transcends any home country, whereas a transnational organization does not.
Which of the following can be said to be an appropriate technique for line personnel in reducing the line-staff conflict?
(a)   Emphasize the objectives of the organization as a whole
(b)   Make proper use of the staff abilities
(c)   Obtain any necessary skills they do not already possess
(d)   Deal intelligently with resistance to change rather than view it as an immovable barrier
(e)   Ignore the abilities of the staff personnel.
From the delegator’s aspect, all of the following are the factors affecting the delegation of authority except
(a)  Love for authority                             (b)  Fear of exposure
(c)  Attitude towards subordinates          (d)  Fear of criticism
(e)  Personality traits of the superiors.
The characteristic of an organization that describes the degree to which the organization monitors and responds to changes in the external environment is termed as
(a)  Open-systems focus                        (b)  Means-end orientation                      (c)  Control
(d)  Unit integration                                (e)  Closed-system focus.


Answer : (a)
Reason :   Linear programming is a mathematical technique used in optimum allocation of resources in the organization.
       (b)   Decision tree is a graphical method for identifying alternative actions, estimating probabilities, and indicating the resulting expected pay-off.
       (c)   Simulation is the technique of developing a model that represents a real or existing system for solving complex problems that cannot be readily solved by other techniques.
       (d)   Waiting-line or queuing model is a mathematical model that describes the operating characteristics of queuing situations, in which service is provided to persons or units waiting in line.
(e)   Game theory is a technique for determining the strategy that is likely to produce maximum profits in a competitive situation.
Answer : (d)
Reason : The concept of span of management concerns a determination of the number of individuals a manager can effectively supervise.     
Answer : (e)
Reason : Several fundamental aspects pertaining to the organization need to be considered to describe the process of organizing. It follows a logical sequence and consists of the following steps.
I.     The objectives of the organization should be established.
II.    The supportive objectives and plans should be formulated.
IV.   Authority should be delegated to the head of each group to perform their activities.
Answer : (d)
Reason : Customer Departmentation is done to service particular types of clients or customers.
Coordination between sales and other functions becomes difficult, as Customer-based Departmentation is applicable only to the sales function.
Hence from above discussion, we can infer that option (d) is not true about Customer Departmentation.
                 Options (a), (b), (c) and (e) are all true about Customer Departmentation.
Answer : (d)
Reason : The major disadvantage of the matrix structure is its propensity to foster power struggles.
Answer : (b)
Reason:  Decision support system is an interactive computer system that provides managers with the necessary information for making intelligent decisions.
Answer : (e)
Reason : Generally speaking, a transnational organization transcends any home country, whereas a multinational organization does not.
Answer : (b)
Reason : Making proper use of the staff abilities is an appropriate technique for line personnel in reducing line-staff conflict. Hence, from above discussion, we can infer that option (b) is correct.
Answer : (d)
Reason : From the delegator’s aspect, all of the following are the factors affecting the delegation of authority except Fear of criticism.          
Answer : (a)
Reason : Open-system focus is characteristic of organization that describes the degree to which the organization monitors and responds to changes in the external environment.

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