Management Introduction Questions and Answers 121 to 130

Management Introduction 

Questions 121 to 130

It is a normal practice to categorize management into three basic levels: top management, middle management and supervisory or first-level management. The managers at these three levels require different kinds of skills to perform the functions associated with their jobs. The major difference in skill requirements between middle and top managers is that
Top managers must generally be more skilled than middle managers in every respect
Top managers require better interpersonal skills but less conceptual skills than middle
Top managers generally require better technical and interpersonal skills than middle
Top managers generally require higher level conceptual skills but less technical skills
than middle managers
Middle managers require better technical and conceptual skills than top managers.
According to the Scientific Management School of Thought, which of the following is defined as the systematic, objective and critical examination of all the factors governing the operational efficiency of a specified activity to bring about improvement? 
Work methods study
Micromotion study
Time study
Motion study
Performance study.
Today, many organizations are involved in social activities. The belief that businesses are being socially responsible when they attend only to economic interests is known as which argument against a firm being socially responsible?
Too much power
Violation of profit maximization
Excessive costs
Lack of social skills
Lack of accountability.
Which of the following are elements that aid in strategy implementation include bonuses, awards and promotions?
Human resources
Rewards system
Decision processes
Which of the following is/are subsystem(s) that are frequently an integral part of ‘Management by Objectives (MBO)’?
I.     Manpower planning.
II.     Compensation.
III.    Organization design.
IV.   Operations research.
Only (III) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (III) and (IV) above
(I), (II) and (III) above
(I), (II) and (IV) above.
When decision makers construct simplified models that extract the essential features from a problem without capturing all the complexities of a problem, they are acting under which of the following?
Bounded rationality
Unbounded rationality
There are both advantages and disadvantages of group decision-making. Which of the following would generally not be considered an advantage of group decision-making?
Groups generally come up with more and better decision alternatives than an individual
The members of the group tend to support the implementation of the decision more
fervently than they would if the decision had been made by an individual
A group can bring much more information and experience to bear on a decision or
problem than an individual acting alone
The group is more likely to use "groupthink" when coming to a decision
A group is able to give different perspectives to a problem.
Rate of change is one of the factors that determines effective span of management. Changes occur more rapidly in certain organizations than in others. This rate of change
Determines how efficient subordinates are without guidance from their superiors
Enables subordinates to clearly understand what is expected of them
Determines the degree to which policies can be formulated and the stability that can be achieved in the policies
Helps identify deviation in plans
Determines effectives of communication techniques.
Which of the following are the generic strategies suggested by Porter that might adopt to make their organizations more competitive?
I.     Divestiture.
II.     Focus.
III.    Cost leadership.
IV.   Differentiation.
Only (II) above
Both (I) and (II) above
Both (III) and (IV) above
(II), (III) and (IV) above
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.
Divisional structure is a type of departmentation in which positions are grouped according to similarity of products, services or markets. Which of the following is not an advantage of divisional Structure?
Each unit or division can respond or react quickly, when required, because they
normally do not need to coordinate with other divisions before taking an action 
Coordination is simplified as each division is similar to an organization, containing the
various functions within it
Individuals are able to develop in-depth areas of specialization to the same extent as in
a functional structure
It helps the organization to focus on serving a particular customer
It helps to fix responsibility and accountability for performance.


Answer : (d)
Reason : The major difference in skill requirements between middle and top managers is that top managers generally require higher level conceptual skills but less technical skills than middle managers.
       Hence, from above discussion, we can infer that option (d) is correct.
Answer : (a)
Reason : According to the Scientific Management School of Thought, Work Methods Study is defined as the systematic, objective and critical examination of all the factors governing the operational efficiency of a specified activity to bring about improvement.
       Hence, from above discussion, we can infer that option (a) is correct.
Answer : (b)
Reason : The belief that businesses are being socially responsible when they attend only to economic interests is known as “Violation of profit maximization” argument against a firm being socially responsible.
       Hence from above discussion, we can infer that option (b) is correct
Answer : (c)
Reason : Bonuses, awards and promotions form part of the rewards system.
Answer : (b)
Reason : The following are subsystems that are frequently an integral part of ‘management by objectives’:
              I.     Manpower planning.
               II.    Compensation.
Answer : (a)
Reason : When decision makers construct simplified models that extract the essential features from a problem without capturing all the complexities of a problem, they are acting under bounded rationality.
Answer : (d)
Reason:  Sometimes cohesive “in groups” let the desire for unanimity override sound judgment when generating and evaluating alternative courses of action.
       Hence, from above discussion, we can infer that option (d) would generally not be considered an advantage of group decision-making.
       Options (a), (b), (c) and (e) are all advantages of group decision-making.
Answer:   (c)
Reason: Rate of change determines the degree to which policies can be formulated and the stability that can be achieved in the policies.
Answer : (d)
Reason : The generic strategies developed by Porter to illustrate the kind of strategies managers might develop to make their organizations more competitive are as follows:
       I.     Cost leadership.
       II.     Differentiation.
       III.    Focus.
       Hence, from above discussion, we can infer that option (d) is correct.
Answer : (c)
Reason:  Divisional Structure is a type of departmentation in which positions are grouped according to similarity of products, services or markets.
       Individuals are unable to develop in-depth areas of specialization to the same extent as in a functional structure.
       Hence from above discussion, we can infer that option (c) is not an advantage of divisional structure.
       Options (a), (b), (d) and (e) are all advantages of divisional structure.

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