Management Introduction Questions and Answers 251 to 260

Management Introduction 

Questions 251 to 260

A system comprises a set of interactive sub-systems. Which sub-system consists of jobs that require the interaction of personnel with the general environment?
Boundary spanning 
Public relations.
Which of the following can be said to be an appropriate technique for line personnel in reducing line-staff conflict?
Work independent of staff personnel
Make proper use of the staff abilities
Obtain any necessary skills they do not already possess
Treat staff personnel as sub-ordinates instead of partners so that there is no overlap of
Do the critical work themselves.
With respect to factors that affect reorganization, when a single change triggers off a sequence of related changes, it is called the
Halo effect    
Hawthorne effect  
Domino effect    
Sensitivity effect
Environmental effect.  
The manager inventory chart is used in human resource replacement planning. Which of the following is not an advantage of the ‘manager inventory chart’?
It gives an overview of the human resource situation of an organization
It shows the future internal supply of managers by indicating who is likely to be
promoted in a year
It shows the position to which a manager may be promoted
Managers who are ready for promotion can be easily identified
Managers who do not perform satisfactorily can be identified, and the need for training
or replacement is needed.
A career strategy should be designed to overcome weaknesses and utilize strengths so as to take advantage of career opportunities. There are various steps in formulating a career strategy. Which of the following steps will precede the others in formulating a career strategy?
Development of strategic career alternatives
Analysis of personal strengths and weaknesses
Consistency testing and strategic choices
Implementation of the career plan
Monitoring progress.
If a manager assesses the performance of an employee, who is one amongst a group, and mentors him explaining what the organization expects from him on a day-to-day basis, it is an example of
A halo effect
Hawthorne effect
Setting standards
A team consists of a set of people working together towards a common purpose. In an organization, there can be different types of teams. A work team comprised of experts from various specialties is most accurately referred to as
A functional team
A cross-functional team
An informal group
A self-managed team
A self-directed team.
The managerial creativity process involves four overlapping phases. What is the sequence of these phases?
I.     Insight.
II.     Intuition.
III.    Unconscious scanning.
IV.   Logical formulation.
(III), (II), (I) and (IV)
(II), (III), (IV) and (I)
(III), (I), (II) and (IV)
(I), (II), (III) and (IV)
(III), (IV), (II) and (I).
Which of the following theories proposes that the factors that help prevent dissatisfaction on the job do not necessarily lead to satisfaction?
Vroom's expectancy theory
Adam's equity theory
Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory
Mc Clelland's three-needs theory
Mc Gregor’s theory X.
Lyman W. Porter and Edward E. Lawler III developed the expanded expectancy theory model. Which of the following is not true with regard to the Porter and Lawler model of motivation?
It’s built on Vroom’s expectancy theory
It means motivation is not a simple cause-and-effect matter
It assumes that satisfaction leads to performance
It emphasizes careful assessment of the reward structure
It assumes that performance leads to intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards.


Answer : (b)
Reason : Boundary spanning sub-system consists of jobs that require the interaction of personnel with the general environment.
Answer : (b)
Reason:  Making proper use of the staff abilities is an appropriate technique for line personnel in reducing line-staff conflict.
              Hence, from above discussion, we can infer that option (b) is correct.
Answer : (c)
Reason : With respect to factors that affect reorganization, when a single change triggers off a sequence of related changes, it is called the domino effect.
Answer : (c)
Reason : Manager Inventory Chart is a partial organization chart that shows managerial positions, current incumbents, potential replacements for each position, and the age of each person.
However, it does not show the position to which a manager may be promoted.
Hence, option (c) is not an advantage of Manager Inventory Chart.
Options (a), (b), (d) and (e) are all advantages of Manager Inventory Chart.
Answer : (b)
Reason : The steps in formulating a career strategy are as follows:
(i)             Preparation of a personal profile.
(ii)            Development of long-range personal and professional goals.
(iii)           Analysis of the environment.
(iv)          Analysis of Personal Strengths and Weaknesses.
(v)           Development of Strategic Career Alternatives.
(vi)          Consistency Testing and Strategic Choices.
(vii)         Development of short-range career objectives and action plans.
(viii)        Development of contingency plans.
(ix)          Implementation of the Career Plan.
(x)           Monitoring Progress.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
Answer : (c)
Reason : Manager assess performance of an employee among a group and advises the employee the specific expectations of management on day to day basis. It is setting standards for that employee (c) is correct answer.
Answer : (b)
Reason : A work team comprised of experts from various specialities is most accurately referred to as a cross-functional team.
              Hence, option (b) is correct.
Answer : (a)
Reason:  The sequence of the phases in the managerial creative process is (III) unconscious scanning, (II) intuition, (I) insight and (IV) logical formulation. Hence, option (a) is the answer.
Answer : (c)
Reason : Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory proposes that the factors that help prevent dissatisfaction on the job do not necessarily lead to satisfaction.
Answer : (c)
Reason : The Porter-Lawler model of motivation, which is an improvement of the expectancy theory, assumes that motivation does not equal satisfaction. It assumes satisfaction does not lead to performance. Rather, the converse is true: performance can, but does not always, lead to satisfaction through the reward process. It assumes that motivation is not a simple cause-and-effect matter. The model advocates that managers carefully assess their reward structures and also assumes that performance leads to intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards.

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