Management Introduction Questions and Answers 201 to 210

Management Introduction 

Questions 201 to 210

Susan is the General Manager at “Divine Corporation” and she is in charge of making sure that the IT department stays in close contact with the marketing department during the implementation of a new e-commerce effort with David as its Project Manager. Which managerial role described by Henry Mintzberg is Susan playing?
A figurehead role
A liaison role         
A project manager role
An operational task role            
A multi-tasking role.
Which of the following is not upward communication?
Cost accounting report
Purchase order summary
Production report
Corporate policy statement
Sales report.
There are various appraisal techniques used in an organization. A performance appraisal technique that makes use of feedback from supervisors, subordinates and co-workers, is known as
Work-oriented appraisal
360-degree appraisal
Informal appraisal
Graphic rating
Behaviorally anchored rating.
The BCG matrix was devised in the 1970’s by the Boston Consulting Group, a leading management consulting firm. It is a widely used method of portfolio management and helps businesses evaluate their profitability. According to the BCG matrix, a strategic business unit comprising speculative products that entail high risks, would be referred to as
A question mark
A bull
A dog
A cash cow
A star.
During the early 1900’s, the mission of business firms was set exclusively in economic terms. After the 1960’s, social activists began to question the singular objective of business enterprises. Managers’ today continually encounter decisions that have a social dimension. Which of the following is defined as a business firm’s obligation, beyond that required by law and economics, to pursue long-term goals that are good for society?  
Social obligation
Social screening
Values-based management
Social responsibility
Ethical obligation.
Which of the following best describes line-staff conflict?
Conflict between two or more individuals with perceived differences in values, goals, or needs
Conflict among an individual's self values, goals, or needs

Intergroup conflict arising from perceived differences between those directly involved in producing or selling products and those that support functions such as information systems and human resources
Conflict on account of work delegated without conferring responsibility
Conflict due to resistance to change.
The Gantt Chart was invented by Henry L. Gantt. It is still used today in the production planning area of many organizations. It was the first simple visual device to maintain production control. The chart visually shows when tasks are supposed to be done and compares that with the  
Scheduled delivery of materials
Supervisor’s estimate of completion
Customers’ requested date of delivery 
Actual progress on each task
Scheduled release of future orders.
A production manager of a manufacturing organization is trying to determine how to revise the production department, so that it can produce more units per day and achieve the targets in a specified time. Identify the managerial function.
Which of the following control systems is/are used by all levels of management?
I.     Financial control system.
II.     Budgetary control system.
III.    Quality control system.
IV.   Inventory control system.
Only (II) above      
Only (III) above     
Both (II) and (III) above  
Both (III) and (IV) above
(I), (II) and (IV) above.
Raj, Ramesh and Rajesh are all making decisions about how to approach the team project. They have only one week to write a 75-page analysis of the government's suit against Microsoft. In addition, they all work full-time. Which decision-making model will they probably rely on?
Break-even analysis
Bounded rationality


Answer : (b)
Reason : Susan is playing a liaison role which is serving as a link in a horizontal chain of communication.  In a figurehead role, the manager performs ceremonial and social duties as the organizations representative.  A project manager is responsible for the success of the overall project.  In operational tasking  the manager is directly responsible for a specific job task. A multi-tasking is the practice of assigning two or more comparably sized tasks to one.
Answer : (d)
Reason : Except corporate policy statements, all the options given are examples of upward communication.
Answer : (b)
Reason : A performance appraisal technique that makes use of feedback from supervisors, subordinates and co-workers, is known as 360-degree appraisal. Hence, option (b) is correct.
Answer : (a)
Reason : A question mark is a business unit that has a small relative market share in a rapidly growing market. The future performance of such a business unit is uncertain. Hence, option (a) is correct.
Answer : (d)
Reason : Social responsibility is defined as a business firm’s obligation, beyond that required by law and economics, to pursue long-term goals that are good for society. Hence, option (d) is correct.
Answer : (c)
Reason : Line-staff conflict is intergroup conflict arising from perceived differences between those directly involved in producing or selling products and those that support functions such as information systems and human resources.
Answer : (d)
Reason : The Gantt chart visually shows when tasks are supposed to be done and compares that with the actual progress on each. Hence, option (d) is correct.
Answer : (c)
Reason : When a planning exercise is implemented in production cycle, it is controlling and guiding the work schedules helps in reaching the desired goals. Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
Answer : (b)
Reason : Quality control system is used by all levels of management.
Answer :  (d)
Reason : Raj, Ramesh and Rajesh are all making decisions about how to approach the team project and they will probably rely on Bounded rationality, which is defined as a concept that suggests that the ability of managers to be perfectly rational in making decisions is limited by such factors as cognitive capacity and time constraints. (a) In rational decision-making, managers possess and understand all the information that is relevant to their decisions at the time they make them. (b) Break-even analysis is a measure by which the level of sales, which is necessary to cover all fixed costs, can be determined. (c) Intuition is "direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension." (e) Garbage-can model is a non-rational model of managerial decision-making stating that managers behave in virtually a random pattern in making nonprogrammed decisions.

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