Database Management Systems Set 31

Database Management Systems

 Questions  301 to 310

Data management is a discipline that focuses on
(a)   The management of end users
(b)   The proper generation, storage, and retrieval of data
(c)   The help items to be used by end users
(d)   The proper generation, storage, and retrieval of information
(e)   The management of data bases.
The DBMS allows you to extrapolate information from your data by using
(a)   Query language                               (b) Table generator (c) Security system
(d)   Access control                                (e) Program.
One of the advantages of a relational database model is
(a)   Structural dependence                     (b) Conceptual complexity
(c)   Complex database design               (d) Easier database design
(e)   Structural independence.
A DBMS performs several important functions that guarantee the integrity and consistency of the data in the database. Which of the following is NOT one of those functions?
(a)   Data integrity                                  (b) Storage management (c) Data reports
(d)   Security management                      (e) Data consistency.
The most important advantages of the hierarchical database model are
(a)   Conceptual simplicity, security, integrity, diversity, and security
(b)   Security, efficiency, diversity, simplicity, and integrity
(c)   Integrity, efficiency, diversity, independence, and simplicity
(d)   Conceptual simplicity, security, hierarchy
(e)   Conceptual simplicity, security, independence, integrity, and efficiency.
The most widely used conceptual model is the ______________.
(a)   E-R model                                      (b) Chen model        (c) External model
(d)   Attribute model                               (e) Use-case Model.
The _____model represents a global view of the data.
(a)   Internal                                            (b) External             (c) Physical            
(d) Conceptual                                       (e) High-level.
The ____ model operates at the lowest level of abstraction, describing how the data is saved on storage devices.
(a)   Internal                                            (b) External             (c) Physical            
(d) Conceptual                                       (e) View level.
A ____ attribute is an attribute that can be further subdivided to yield additional attributes.
(a)   Composite        (b) Simple               (c) Single-valued      (d) Multivalued         (e) Derived.
The entity integrity rule requires that
(a)   All primary key entries are not unique
(b)   A part of the key may be null
(c)   Foreign key values do not reference primary key values
(d)   Duplicate object values are allowed
(e)   All primary key entries are unique.


Answer : (b)
Reason : DBMS mainly focuses on the proper generation, storage, and retrieval of data
Answer : (a)
Reason :        Query language is used to interact with the database        
Answer : (d)
Reason: Relational data base helps us to design the data base in a easier manner.       
Answer : (c)
Reason : Data reports is not a function of DBMS          
Answer : (e)
Reason : The main important advantage of hierarchical data base model is conceptual simplicity, security, independence, integrity and efficiency
Answer : (a)
Reason: Most widely used conceptual model is the E-R model.
Answer : (d)
Reason : Conceptual model represents the global view of the data         
Answer : (c)
Reason: Physical model operates at the lowest level of abstraction.      
Answer : (a)
Reason : Composite attribute can be further divided into additional attributes     
Answer : (e)
Reason: All primary key entries are unique.       

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