Management Information Systems Questions and Answers Set 5

Management Information System

Questions 51 to 60

In which model of decision making, is an unstructured approach made to a problem with multiple methods and also using trial and error method to find a solution is called as
(a)  Bureaucratic model                           (b)  Political model
(c)  Intuitive model                                  (d)  Organisational model
(e)  Systematic decision makers.
Which one from the following is a production variable?
(a)  Asset turnover                                  (b)  Raw material quality
(c)  Market share                                    (d)  Quality control
(e)  Participation.
The process of building an experimental system rapidly and inexpensively for the end users to evaluate is called
(a)  Producing                                        (b)  Proton testing    (c)  Prototyping
(d)  Photographing                                  (e)  Providing.
Which one of the following is least likely to be the characteristics of Common Executive Information system?
(a)   Provide tools to select, extract, filter and fetch critical information.
(b)   Can present information in graphical, tabular and / or textual
(c)   Calculate the individual monthly salary of employees
(d)   Tailored to individual executive users
(e)   Focused on supporting upper-level management decisions.
Which one of the following is least likely to be a method to determine executive information needs?
(a)  By-product method                           (b)  Trial and Error method
(c)  Key indicator method                        (d)  Total study method
(e)  Critical success factors method.
One of the following is not a factor that determines the quality of information.
(a)  Accuracy                                         (b)  Precision           (c)  Timeliness
(d)  Relevance                                        (e)  Security.
When designing a Decision Support System, the set of specifications that focuses on its capacity for the storage, record and production of knowledge useful to the problem context is
(a)  Interface requirements                       (b)  Coordination requirements
(c)  Functional requirements                    (d)  Stationary requirements
(e)  Standard requirements.
In which of the following analysis will help in identifying the critical control variables and latent factors?
(a)  Sales analysis                                  (b)  Cost analysis                  (c)  Multivariate analysis
(d)  Critical analysis                                (e)  Competitive analysis.
One of the drawbacks of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach to building Information System is
(a)  Provides important discipline to system development
(b)  Ensures that no important area has been overlooked
(c)  Too rigid for systems whose requirements change rapidly
(d)  It is based on a series of formal steps
(e)  The formal contractual relationship between the developers and the eventual users.
Of the following, which one is not a physical component required for an organizational Information System?
(a)  Hardware           (b)  Software            (c)  Data                  (d)  Personnel          (e)  Vehicle.


Answer : (c)
Reason : Intuitive model is an unstructured approach made to a problem with multiple methods, using trial and error method to find a solution.
Answer : (d)
Reason :        Quality control is a production variable.
Answer : (c)
Reason :        The process of building an experimental system rapidly and inexpensively for the end users to evaluate is called Prototyping.
Answer : (c)
Reason :        Calculating the individual monthly salary of employees is not a characteristics of Common Executive Information system.
Answer : (b)
Reason :        Trial and Error method is least likely to be a method to determine executive information needs.
Answer : (e)
Reason :        Security is not a factor that determines the quality of information.
Answer : (c)
Reason :        When designing a Decision Support System, the set of specifications that focuses on its capacity for the storage, record and production of knowledge useful to the problem context is Functional  requirements.
Answer : (c)
Reason :        Multivariate analysis helps in identifying the critical control variables and latent factors.
Answer : (c)
Reason :        One of the drawbacks of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach to building Information System is that SDLC too rigid for systems whose requirements change rapidly.
Answer : (e)
Reason :        Vehicle is not a physical component required for an organizational Information System.

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