Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis Set 28

Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis

Questions 271 to 280

The suitable data structure to represent the data of rainfall of week days in ten cities of three states is __________
(a)  Stack                                              (b)  Queue                                             (c)  Array
(d)  Multi way tree                                  (e)  Connected graph.
The data structure which allows the insertion at both the ends, but allows the deletion at only one end is ________
(a)   Output restricted Deque
(b)   Input restricted Deque
(c)   Circular queue
(d)   Linear queue
(e)   Priority queue.
Searching the linked list requires linked list be created in _________
(a)  Ascending order                              (b)  Descending order                           
(c)  With underflow condition                  (d)  Any order                (e)  Without underflow condition.
The time complexity of binary search in best, worst cases for an array of size N is
(a)  N, N2                (b)  N, N                  (c)  Log N, N2          (d)  1, N log N         (e)  1, log N.
How many minimum number of spanning trees, one can have from a given connected graph with N nodes is having different weights for the edges.
(a)  N-1                   (b)  One                  (c)  1/(N+1)  2NCN           (d)  2NCN           (e)  N.
How many children do an external node of a binary tree of order N contains.
(a)  N at least          (b)  2 exactly           (c)  More than two          (d)  0                  (e)  N at most.
In-order traversal of binary search tree implies visiting the nodes in __________
(a)  Post-order      
(b)  The order of increasing magnitude of their key         
(c)  Pre-order 
(d)  The order of decreasing magnitude of their key N    
(e)  Arbitrary order.
For a binary tree the In-order traversal was found to be as HIGCEFD. Once the post-order traversal was conducted the output is IHGFEDC. What is the per-order for the given tree?
(a)  CGDHEIF                                        (b)  GHICDEF          (c)  CGHIDEF
(d)  CDEFGHI                                        (e)  Data insufficient and hence can’t be answered.
Breadth first search uses __________ as an auxiliary structure to hold nodes for future processing.
(a)  Stack               (b)  Linked list         (c)  Graph                (d)  B-Tree               (e)  Queue.
Folding is a method of generating ________
(a)   A hash function
(b)   Index function for a triangular matrix
(c)   Header node for a circular linked list
(d)   Linear probing
(e)   Chaining.


Answer : (c)
Reason:  As the array can keep the data for multiple dimension values which is not possible by using any other data structure given in the question.
Answer :  (a)
Reason:  Because in Deque insertion and deletion can take place at any end, but in the question it is given as deletion is allowed only at one end. Hence it is Output restricted Deque
Answer :  (d)
Reason:  Because the reference of the next node is stored in the node itself with which one can go to next node, and hence a particular order is not required.
Answer :  (e)
Reason:  Because if the list is either small or the element is present at the mid position for the first call to the function or for the first iteration then it takes one unit of time. In worst case it takes log n time,
Answer :  (b)
Reason:  Because one can have at most one tree which is minimum, also the weights are different.
Answer :  (d)
Reason:  Because external node is a leaf node, that can’t have the children
Answer :  (b)
Reason:  Because if we traverse a BST  in in-order, then it is nothing but traversing in the order of increasing magnitude of their key.
Answer :  (c)
Reason:  Draw the tree according to the asked in-order and post-order and traverse the tree in pre-order.
Answer :  (e)
Reason:  As this requires the traversing of nodes on the same level before traversing the nodes at next level of the tree, it requires queue.
Answer :  (a)
Reason:  Because folding is one of the method of hashing function to locate the key.

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