Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis Set 15

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Questions 141 to 150

Which of the following statements is true related to a B-tree?
All entries of a node are greater than or equal to the entries in the node's children
All leaves are at the different depths
All the leaf nodes appear at same level
All non-leaf nodes have the exact same number of children
All nodes contain the exact same number of entries.
A simple graph has no loops. Which of the following forms another property of a simple graph?
Contain un-weighted edges
Have at least one vertex
Have no multiple edges
Must be directed.
Which of the following information is not saved in the activation record, when ever a function call is executed?
Static and dynamic address links
Current depth of recursion
Formal parameters
Location where the function should return when done
Local variables.
Use the following code and the linked list pictured below to answer the questions 24 - 26.

code and the linked list picture

Then, First ànextànextàdata is
Syntax Error
Pick the right option from the following:
I.     Firstànext == Temp1.
II.     Temp1ànextàdata == 60.
III.    Temp2ànext ànext == NULL.
Only (I) is TRUE
Only (II) is TRUE
Both (I) and (II) are TRUE
Both (I) and  (III) are TRUE
Both (II) and (III) are TRUE.
Decide whether the syntax of each of the following statements is valid or invalid.
I.     Firstànext = Temp1ànext;
II.     First ànext = *( Temp2ànext);
III.    * First = Temp2;
Only (I) is valid
Only (II) is valid
Only (III) is valid
Both (I) and (III) are valid
Both (II) and (III) are valid.
Which of the following is not possible as a balance factor of any node of an AVL tree?
I.     -2.
II.     ±1.
III.    0.
IV.   2.
Only (I) above
Only (II) above
Only (III) above
Both (I) and (IV) above
Both (III) and (IV) above.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE in view of a multi-way search tree? If a node has
I.     4 sub trees it contains 3 keys.
II.     5 keys, it has 7 sub trees.
III.    6 sub trees, it contains 6 keys.
IV.   10 keys if it contains 11 children.
Only (I) above
Only (II) above
Only (III) above
Both (I) and (IV) above
Both (II) and (III) above.
Identify the name of the sorting in which time is not proportional to n2.
Selection sort
Bubble sort
Qucik sort
Merge sort
Insertion sort.
How many fields are required by a node to represent the polynomials in computer memory using linked list?
Two fields
Four fields
More than three fields
One is enough
Three fields.


Answer : (c)
Reason:  All the leaf nodes appear at same level  is true related to a B-tree.
Answer : (d)
Reason:  A simple graph has no loops. Other property is to have no multiple edges.
Answer : (b)
Reason:  Current depth of recursion  is not saved in the activation record, when ever a function call is executed.
Answer : (e)
Reason:  the following code and the linked list pictured
code and the linked list pictured
Then, First ànextànextàdata = 45

Answer : (b)
Reason:  Firstànext == Temp1 and Temp2ànext ànext == NULL are true.
Answer : (a)
Reason:  The syntax of Firstànext = Temp1ànext is valid.
Answer : (e)
Reason:  -2 and 2 is not possible as a balance factor of any node of an AVL tree.
Answer : (e)
Reason:  If a node has 4 sub trees it contains 3 keys and 10 keys if it contains 11 children. is TRUE in view of a multi-way search tree.
Answer : (d)
Reason:  Merge Sort is a sort  in which time is not proportional to n2.
Answer : (e)
Reason:  Three fields are required by a not to represent the polynomials in computer memory using linked list.

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