Management Information Systems Questions and Answers Set 12

Management Information System

Questions 1 to 10

Low-volume data and analytical models are characteristics of which of the following Information System?
(a)  Management Information System                                     (b)  Decision Support System
(c)  Executive Support System                                               (d)  Transaction Processing System
(e)  Office Automation System.
Networks within an enterprise that are similar  to the Internet are called
(a)  Intranets            (b)  Extranets           (c)  Teranet              (d)  WAN                 (e)  Webnet.
The primary difference between program testing and system testing is:
(a)   System testing focuses on testing the interfaces between programs, whereas program testing focuses on individual programs
(b)   Program testing is more comprehensive than system testing
(c)   System testing is concerned with testing all aspects of a system including job designs and reward  system designs
(d)   Programmers have no involvement in system testing, whereas designers are involved in program testing
(e)   Program testing is for Managers and system testing is for workers.
Which amongst the following is the characteristic of a closed decision-making system?
(a)   The manager has a known set of decision options and knows their results when fully implemented.
(b)   The manager is not aware of all the decisions alternatives.
(c)   The results of the decision are not known.
(d)   No fixed method or model is available to arrive at a decision.
(e)   The manger takes the decision inside a closed room.
Which of the following methods of validating PINs seems to result in the fewest control problems?
(a)   Allow only a small number of PIN entry attempts, close the account after the limit has been reached, and retain the card
(b)   Allow a reasonable number of PIN entry attempts, close the account after the limit has been reached, but do not retain the card
(c)   Allow a reasonable number of PIN entry attempts, close the account after the limit has been reached, and retain the card
(d)   Allow a small number of PIN entry attempts, do not close the account after the limit has been reached, but retain the card used to initiate the PIN entry
(e)   Allow unlimited number & PIN attempts, close the account after the limit has been reached, but retain the card used to initiate the PIN entry.
Which of the following is not an assumption about the role of computers in decision making?
(a)   Computers are meant to support the manager in decision-making, not replace him.
(b)   Computers are the key constituents of an effective decision support system.
(c)   Computers help structure the problems and provide a systematized approach.
(d)   The key to effective problem-solving is having an interactive and enhanced dialogue between the user and the system.
(e)   It helps the manager to arrive as the most optimum solution.
Businesses like airline, banks and online services are adversely affected by natural calamities. Such organizations therefore, develop
(a)  Disaster recovery mechanisms                                         (b)  SOS systems
(c)  Network architectures                                                      (d)  Firewalls
(e)  Accounting systems.
Which of the following systems caters to the strategic information needs of the top management?
(a)  Human resource information systems                               (b)  Expert systems
(c)  Executive information systems                                         (d)  Reporting systems
(e)  Accounting system.
Which of the following is not likely a support provided by a Decision Support System?
(a)   Identify the need for decisions.
(b)   Solve or assist in solving problems
(c)   Provide assistance in the form of advice, analysis or evaluation
(d)   Get major market share for the company’s products.
(e)   Help compensate for cognitive limitations of human decision makers.
Which of  the following is true regarding the development of EIS information requirements?
(a)   The focus should not be on stakeholder expectations because the organization intends to serve them.
(b)   Stakeholder expectations need not be documented.
(c)   Determine the various formats in which reporting is done and the frequency of reporting.
(d)   The flow of information need not be outlined because it already exists and is obvious.
(e)   EIS objectives does not match with the organization objectives.


Answer : (b)
Reason:  Low- volume data and analytical models are characteristics of Decision Support System.
Answer : (a)
Reason:  Networks within an enterprise that are similar to the Internet are called Intranets.
Answer : (a)
Reason:  The primary difference between program testing and system testing is system testing focuses on testing the interfaces between programs, whereas program testing focuses on individual programs.
Answer : (a)
Reason:  The characteristic of a closed decision-making system is that the manager has a known set of decision options and knows their results when fully implemented.
Answer : (b)
Reason:  The methods of validating PINs that will result in the fewest control problems are : to allow a reasonable number of PIN entry attempts, close the account after the limit has been reached, but do not retain the card.
Answer : (b)
Reason:  The following is not an assumption about the role of computers in decision making : Computers are the key constituents of an effective decision support system.
Answer : (a)
Reason:  Businesses like airline, banks and online services are adversely affected by natural calamities. Such organizations therefore, develop Disaster recovery mechanisms.
Answer : ©
Reason:  Executive Information systems caters to the strategic information needs of the top management.
Answer : (d)
Reason:  The following is not likely a support provided by a Decision Support System : get major market share for the company’s products.
Answer : ©
Reason:  The following is true regarding the development of EIS information requirements: determine the various formats in which reporting is done and the frequency of reporting.

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